Judge awards Norwegian Forest Cat the best of its breed at cat show and 3rd best overall

Judging an NFC at a cat show and pointing out the equilateral triangle of the face conformation

This is a nice video of a cat show judge assessing a Norwegian Forest Cat (NFC) on the judge’s table with an audience of visitors listening. In effect, he lectures the visitors as to the major points of interest in the cat before him; a ginger tabby-and-white. There is a large scratching post to …

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America: tame wild cats exhibited at cat shows 1895-1903

Miss Frances Simpson

Miss Frances Simpson was one of three major personalities in the early years of the cat fancy in England. She wrote a book called The Book of the Cat which was published in 1903. In that book she refers to the first American cat show held in the Madison Square Garden, New York, on …

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Attending a Cat Show can be a Fun and Educational Experience

Cat show judge and oriental SH

Last weekend my husband Marty and I were so excited about attending the first ever cat show held in Ormand Beach, Florida. I really love the Cat Fanciers’ Association’s (CFA) shows and one of the main reasons I truly prefer attending CFA sanctioned shows is that their registry does not allow declawed cats in …

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USA: Texas Cat Show

Just a straightforward photograph of a cat show in Texas, USA. It is not a digital photograph. High speed color negative film was used in a old fashioned 35mm camera that I still have. A local laboratory in Dallas, Texas processed the film and then digitalized the negatives. The images are stored on disk. …

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