Cats in boxes: Study shows that cats given boxes are less stressed

Christmas is a fun time of the year for our cats. A major reason is cats know they’ll be getting the best gift of all from their human servant: a new box! Several years ago researchers from the University of Utrecht (the Netherlands) conducted a study which was published in the journal Applied Animal …

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Animal shelter workers provide 26 coping strategies for those dealing with euthanasia

At risk of euthanasia

In this article I discuss 26 coping strategies for animal shelter workers who are involved with euthanizing animals at shelters. The advice comes from 242 experienced workers who were or are directly responsible for euthanasia of animals at shelters. They have worked or work at 62 US animal shelters. Although euthanizing animals at shelters …

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Criticizing the study which says that cats are reluctant to prey on rats

Kitten attacks toy mouse

All over the Internet, at the moment, there is the result of a study on the predation of rats by feral cats which took place in New York City, USA. Misconception The conclusion of the study is that feral cats have little interest in attacking and killing rats. Therefore, the public has a misconception …

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Sheep’s wool used as dietary fibre supplement in cat food

Sheep's wool used as dietary fibre supplement in cat food

When wool proteins are extracted from sheeps’ wool by hydrolysis the product (‘wool hydrolysate’) can be used as dietary fibre in pet food to improve gut health to the same extent as conventional pet food dietary fibres. So why use sheeps’ wool as a source of dietary fibre in cat food? The answer is …

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Why the Washington DC cat count is money well spent

Feral cat wants to be looked after

You have probably heard about the $1.5 million Washington DC project to count all the cats, namely domestic, feral and strays and those in shelters. On this scale, it’ll be the first of its kind. It’s important because to the best of my knowledge Americans don’t know with reliable accuracy the number of feral …

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This statement is incorrect: “cats cause extinction of 33 species”

Cat predation studies

“Cats cause the extinction of 33 species” is an often quoted line. It’s everywhere, even on Wikipedia and the BBC. Although Wikipedia makes the factual and unconditional statement: “Their [cats] introduction has caused the extinction of at least 33 endemic species on islands throughout the world.” While the BBC state: “….and they [cats] have …

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What percentage of cats have herpes?

Prevalence of FHV-1

The question in the title is online and appears to be asking for the percentage of cats that are suffering from or have suffered from the herpesvirus group. It causes feline viral rhinotracheitis – FVR. One study states ‘33% of the cats with respiratory tract disease were FCV positive’ 2. Another states: ‘Following exposure …

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