“My cat is goddam KING”. Cat defends his home against inquisitive raccoon.

Cat defends home from raccoon

The video has gone viral. A security camera outside the door to the home of Lindsay Mills recorded the unusual event. An inquisitive raccoon gingerly sniffs his way up the steps towards the cat door (cat flap). When he arrives he gets a nasty surprise. The defence of territory comes before all else for …

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Dog stops cat friend from getting involved in a fight

dog stops cat friend from getting into a fight

This is such a pure act. It is hard not to decide that this sweet dog is deliberately stopping his/her cat companion from getting involved in a fight. Cats are territorial so this cat is ready to have a bust up with a stranger cat who has come onto the scene. The cat’s dog …

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Cat Spraying All Over Child’s Bed. Video and Discussion

Cat Spraying Around And On Child's Bed. Video and Discussion

This cat is peeing machine so says Jackson Galaxy. On his Facebook page he presents a video which he describes as My Cat from Hell. This Cat Is a Peeing Machine. In the video we see the cat’s owner’s explaining to Mr Galaxy what their cat is doing. The cat is spraying urine horizontally …

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Outdoor cats and conflicts with other cats

Cats owners are quite laissez-faire about their outdoor cat coming into conflict with other cats. That certainly applies in England. Cat owners move to a new area and let their cat go outside perhaps after a period inside to acclimatise. For the cat this is a source of conflict and stress. A cat in …

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