What does dilute urine mean in cats?

What does dilute urine mean in cats?

Dilute urine means the kidneys are not functioning properly which probably means feline kidney disease. This is not uncommon in elderly domestic cats. The kidneys are ‘trash collectors’. The waste from digested food that the kidney’s collect from the blood passes to the bladder and thence to the exterior of the body. The waste …

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The tomcat with the smelliest urine attracts the most females for mating

Female cats are choosy when they select a tomcat to be the father of her kittens. It’s the same with female humans. Tomcats therefore need to advertise their suitability to the females. They probably do this through their pungent urine, which they spray horizontally on prominent objects in their territory. Which tomcat comes out …

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What Causes Struvite Crystals in Cats?

Firstly, what are struvite crystals? We often read about them in conjunction with feline urinary health problems. The Cuyahoga Falls Veterinary Clinic tell us that struvites come about when molecules become lumped together and precipitate out of the urine to form crystals. When these crystals come together too much they form stones in the …

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Domestic Cat Urine Odor as Rodent Management Strategy in Crop Fields

The location: Tanzania. Summary: Researchers in Tanzania have decided that cat’s urine is potentially a much better rodent deterrent for farmers than the chemical that is currently used in Tanzania namely, zinc phosphate. Zinc phosphate is harmful to the environment and to all animals including animals which are not the target animals such as …

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