Energetic cleaning routine for caretaker of 6 cats to remove smells

Cleaning routine for a 6 cat home requires energy to keep the smells down

Well, folks, for those who fancy living in a home with multiple cats, this cleaning routine from a lady who I believe lives in the UK living with six cats, may help. It may help in providing a reality check on the energy and commitment needed to manage the home properly. And it only …

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Cat Vomiting – including types of vomiting for diagnosis

Feline vomiting a hairball?

Introduction I hope you find this page useful. It has been updated. One of the difficulties for a good cat caregiver is to know whether there cat is genuinely ill if and when they vomit. Domestic cats are good at vomiting. But sometimes it’s just a day-to-day matter; something not to concern a good …

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12 bad things that can happen when your cat brings in a mouse

Cat catches a mouse and brings it into the home and causes negative consequences for the owner

Last night my cat brought in a mouse. And a lot of things happened which were negative to my life and one thing that was negative to his as it happens. I’ll list them here. There you have a dozen negatives impacting my life just because I live with a top line predator who …

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Infographic on suggested causes of various types of cat vomiting

Cat vomiting types and causes

A slightly unpleasant topic but an activity that domestic cats are very good at. Domestic cats are very fluent vomiters. They can do it very easily and without any real distress unlike humans. As it is a fairly common way for the cat to deal with things like spoilt food, a mouse they can’t …

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Why does my cat’s vomit look like poop?

Cat Vomit

SEEK IMMEDIATE PROFESSIONAL TREATMENT IF YOUR CAT’S VOMIT LOOKS LIKE POOP. Your cat is vomiting foul material that looks and smells like faeces. The probable causes are: Blunt abdominal trauma – i.e. hit in the abdomen either through an accident or deliberate act. Intestinal obstruction. Peritonitis – wet form Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP). There’ll …

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