Slightly overweight domestic cats live longer than ideal weight cats

Lifespan of cats is longer when they are slightly overweight as per a study which is counterintuitive

Study scientists investigating domestic cats sometimes use the body condition score (BCS). It is a metric which numerically measures a domestic cat’s appearance caused by the status of their weight. The method is explained below. Note: please read the entire article and not just the title as to do so will probably mislead you …

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For cats, every extra hundred grams of bodyweight is linked to a decrease in lifespan of about two and a half months

Happy obese cat with a shortened lifespan

A recent study about which I have written provides veterinarians and cat caregivers with the first “life tables” for pet cats in the UK. It is an important database built upon the tracking of about 8000 cats that were registered with veterinarians and had died between 2019 and 2021. If you want to, you …

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A good example of domestic cat exploitation on TikTok showing a grossly obese cat

Gross obesity in a domestic cat

To the best of my knowledge, TikTok is infamous for featuring animal exploitation videos. By this I mean animals such as this ginger tabby domestic cat who is being exploited by their owner who makes a ‘funny cat video’ (not so funny for me) out of his gross obesity. This is irresponsible cat ownership. …

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Is your cat a picky eater or do they have good alternative reasons?

Why do cats sometimes reject their food?

The so-called ‘picky domestic cat’ eater is a concern to many cat owners. But they will reject food for a good reason and here are 8 possibilities. These possibilities do not reflect the behaviour of a cat who is a picky eater. These are genuine alternative reasons. So, it should not be puzzling to …

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Picture which proves moggies (non-purebred cats) can be as big as the big Maine Coons

Huge ginger tabby moggie

I think this is a good picture which I have improved by removing the background. It shows a huge non-purebred cat with a splendidly calm disposition who is happy to be photographed. He is a pale ginger tabby. He is as big as the big Maine Coons. We don’t know his weight but it …

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How it took me 8 years to become slender with health benefits

8-year weight loss program

This article is indirectly about cats so please don’t think that it is not. It’s looking at the subject of domestic cats obliquely but it is just as relevant because there is a link between obese people and obese cats. The problem runs in parallel because people normalise obesity and don’t recognise it either …

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Infographic on 5 thoughts on excess weight in cats

Infographic on 5 thoughts on excess weight in cats

This is a pretty basic infographic but I feel that it is useful to restate the basics from time to time. It depends on the person but there is no doubt that many cat owners still don’t really understand the need to watch calorie input and to burn more energy through exercise. For humans …

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Infographic on feline weight control

Infographic on feline weight control

A tetchy topic. I mean: it can make people tetchy because at the end of the day feline obesity is down to people. The poor cat is the long-suffering victim. That’s hard to bear for many humans. It sounds like I am criticising people but I am not. I understand the difficulties. Most human …

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