Are blind cats more affectionate?

Samuel a loving and highly affectionate blind cat rescued from a hoarder

Are blind cats more affectionate? I don’t know for sure but I’ll guess that they are because they are more vulnerable. They need a human carer more urgently than a sighted cat. They are more dependent on a human guardian. This may strengthen the relationship which may lead to a blind cat becoming more …

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Cat whisperer Jackson Galaxy in America supports a couple’s catio near Huddersfield, England

Catio in front garden breached planning regulations

A cat loving couple, Mr and Mrs Haworth, in Marsden, Yorkshire, UK, a large Village within the Borough of Kirklees, built a catio in their front yard. It occupies almost all of their front garden. They did not seek planning permission before constructing it. They have 4 rescue cats using the catio so the …

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A catio improves a cat’s personality

A catio improves a cat's personality

A catio can improve a cat’s personality. This is my opinion and I’ll explain why. I remember visiting and staying at the home of Helmi Flick years ago. She is one of America’s best-known cat photographers. Her photos illustrate the cat breeds on this site and are all over the internet nowadays because copyright …

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Neighbors complain about a catio for blind and deaf cats

Catio for blind cats in London

A woman living in London, UK, is embroiled in a council planning row and a dispute with complaining neighbours because she installed a modest sized cat enclosure for blind cats in her back garden (backyard). Her name is Josie Hitchens. Josie looks after four blind and one deaf cat. She says that she has …

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