3 HEPA filters, 2 robotic vacuum cleaners, 1 Dyson, 1 Litter Robot, 5 cats and 2 dogs

Multi-pet and multi-equipment to keep down the odours and hair

I think you might have got the message from the title. This is the home of a person who has five cats and two dogs. They like to keep the home clean and odour free. In order to achieve this goal, the person, a Reddit.com user, has the following equipment: They were responding to …

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Spending quality time with dogs reduces stress and anxiety (study)

Spending time with dogs makes you more creative and reduces stress and anxiety according to this research

Spending quality time with dogs can help to reduce stress and anxiety levels and it can make you more creative according to a recently published study on the Internet on the PLOS ONE website entitled “Psychophysiological and emotional effects of human–Dog interactions by activity type: An electroencephalogram study”. Diverse activities between humans and dogs …

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Breeders need to selectively breed out genetic mutation that makes 25% of Labradors flabby

Breeders need to selectively breed out genetic mutation that makes 25% of Labradors flabby

Flabby labradors suffer from a genetic mutation that affects 25% of the breed making them obsessed with eating and burning less energy in their metabolism. Why do the dog associations and clubs allow this to happen? It can be fixed by culling (removing from breeding/blood lines) those breeding dogs that carry this genetic mutation …

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Owning a cat or dog protects the ageing human brain from deterioration

Elderly person and cat

Owning a cat or dog slows down the process of brain deterioration in elderly people. For cats, the simple act of companionship which substantially prevents the cat owner becoming lonely, is their major contribution to preventing cognitive deterioration in humans because loneliness is associated with steep declines in cognitive function. Cats also reduce stress …

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Criminals shouldn’t live with a cat or dog as their hairs might link them to a crime

Using cat and dog hair to convict criminals

Criminals should take note of this research. The advice is that criminals should not live with a cat because DNA testing on cat hairs might lead to a cat owning criminal being convicted for a crime at a property or other place where they leave behind cat/dog hairs. Scenario I can think of one …

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Owners care more about their dogs than their cats (new survey)

Cat and dog and owner

REPORTING ON A STUDY TOGETHER WITH MY OPINION: For a long time, I have known that, in general, owners care more about their dogs than their cats. This is apparent because people spend more money on veterinary treatment for dogs and cats. And the difference is quite marked. This study confirms what I’d thought …

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Cat brings chained dog food

Cat brings food to chained dog

This is a story told in a picture. I don’t have more information. It is charming and I believe that it is probably true but I can’t vouch for it. The picture of the cat and dog is posted on the Quora.com website. I’ve turned it into an infographic image as it is very suitable for that form of publication. It is not that rare for cats to help dogs and vice versa. It is also cruel to chain dogs all their lives. Terribly cruel actually. It is done by people who are insensitive to the sentience of animals. It is the way they were raised, I guess. They don’t know better. It all comes down to education at the end of the day.

In some states of America permanently chaining dogs like this is banned. It is banned in the UK and it would be illegal to do this in the UK under more than one animal welfare law, the primary one being the Animal Welfare Act 2006.

Any country with decent animal welfare laws that are properly enforced would not permit permanently chained dogs. Although most countries have animals welfare laws which would make dog chaining illegal, they do not enforce their laws with enough commitment and so it happens.

Below are some more articles on cats and dogs.

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