Owning a cat or dog protects the ageing human brain from deterioration

Elderly person and cat

Owning a cat or dog slows down the process of brain deterioration in elderly people. For cats, the simple act of companionship which substantially prevents the cat owner becoming lonely, is their major contribution to preventing cognitive deterioration in humans because loneliness is associated with steep declines in cognitive function. Cats also reduce stress …

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Why are companion animals called ‘pets’?

Pet cat

Calling companion animals ‘pets’ is not popular among animal advocates as it is slightly demeaning (‘he’s teacher’s pet’). It’s a throwback term; ‘companion animal’ is better. If the animal is a cat, ‘cat companion’ is more modern. Having got that out of the way, we don’t know for sure why companion animals are called …

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The green shoots of animal welfare legislation in China

The green shoots of animal welfare legislation in China

I am sensing the very early signs of a desire to introduce animal welfare legislation in China. At the moment there is none and the pet industry is expanding rapidly. There is a demand for regulations in a country where cat and dog ownership is also increasing rapidly. He Hairen, a researcher in legal …

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Essay On Cats As Pets

This in a short essay on cats as pets. It is deliberately written for students. Anyone can use it if they wish. Today, strictly speaking, many people believe we should not refer to cats are “pets”. It is a slightly old-fashioned word. Certainly an excellent cat caretaker would probably not wish to describe the …

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