Ignorance and literal belief in Bible makes for murder and animal abuse

Biblical concept of human dominion over animals

Although the Bible has many good aspects it also has bad. Many scholars have criticised the Bible which was written around 100 years after the death of Jesus. Why should millions of people follow the advice of people who lived two thousand years ago when the world was far more ignorant than today? The …

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America’s 4-H creed of teaching truth, kindness and sympathy is in tatters

E.L. and Cedar when they were together. Now Cedar has been eaten and E.L. is sad.

NEWS AND COMMENT: This story is very concerning to anybody interested in animal welfare and the welfare of children in this instance. In America there is a program called 4-H which is a network of youth organisations. Their mission is “engaging youth to reach their fullest potential while advancing the field of youth development”. …

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Cats In The Bible

The Bible is devoid of reference to the domestic cat – photo Arpingstone (Wikimedia Commons) Only large wild cats are referred to in the bible and even those seem to be barely mentioned. There is apparently no mention of domestic cats. On first glance this might seem strange, and a lot of people speculate …

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