Why do cats hate water? 5 reasons. Nuanced answer.

This cat likes being submerged in water or does not mind

The question is imprecise. It should be: “Why do domestic cats generally dislike being submerged in water?” Obviously, cats like to drink water and therefore they like water if they are drinking it! And the word “cats” includes all cats; domestic and wild. There are many wild cats (and some domestic cats) who like …

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Doggy paddle swimming technique of the domestic cat

Video showing the domestic cat swimming technique

As you probably know domestic cats employ the doggy paddle swimming technique. They should call it the ‘catty paddle’ as well. In fact, in the era of the use of woke language and acute sensitivities about equality and sexism, I think it’s an example of speciesism to call this swimming style the doggy paddle! …

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Why don’t cats like being wet?

Wet cat

Some people want to know why cats don’t like being wet because they search for information about it through Google’s search engine. I’m afraid to say that they are wrong because you can’t generalise about domestic cats and their feelings about being wet. Perhaps we can say that as the domestic cat ancestor was …

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