How a nursing home cat had the unusual ability of predicting death within the next hours


You may remember Oscar. He is quite famous (actually very famous). He’s a fluffy, grey-and-white brindled cat who was adopted by a nursing home in Providence, Rhode Island, USA in 2005 as a kitten. He resided in the dementia unit of the Steere House Nursing and Rehabilitation Centre. Is Oscar still alive? Please leave …

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Video which shows us how important human scent is to domestic cat companions

Scent as a attractant to domestic cat

As a cat guardian you can’t underestimate the importance of scent (aka body odour) to the domestic cat. It seems that their world revolves around smell. It is at least the equal of sight to our cats. Cats use scent as a tool to confirm the identity of humans i.e. whether they know the …

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Is your cat sneezing blood? What could it be?

Firstly sneezing is a sign of nasal irritation and is a reflex action. Sneezing can be caused by (1) a minor nasal irritation or allergy (2) dust, pollens, cigarette smoke etc. (3) feline viral respiratory disease – the first signs of (4) foreign body in the nose (5) bacterial infection. Prolonged sneezing can cause …

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Should cats have wet noses?

Should cats have wet noses?

I have seen this question asked quite a lot. Actually, I’ve seen various questions about whether a cat’s nose should be wet or dry. I think they are all questions that should not necessarily be asked in the context of a cat’s health. When checking a human’s health do we focus on the wetness …

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White Cats: 1 in 300 chance of skin cancer through sunlight

White cats are far more likely to get skin cancer, in a sun-exposed site of their body, than other cats. In fact, over 13 times as likely.  By skin cancer I am referring to squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), which is cancer of a certain type of cell (epithelial cell) in the skin. In a …

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