What can CBD oil do for my cat?

I’m going to primarily rely a woman in America, Kat (a convenient and appropriate name in the context of this article!), who has gained personal experience of using CBD oil to treat dogs. I feel that her advice can be trusted because of her extensive personal experience. She started a business that I am …

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CBD oil for cats – potential side effects such as damaged liver?

Side effects of CBD for cats

I am extrapolating a review of research concerning the use of CBD oil (cannabidiol) for humans to warn that this new health treatment might damage the liver and the immune and reproductive systems as reported by The Times. It can also cause lethargy, sedation, drooling, tremors, diarrhoea and vomiting. This is a long list …

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Hemp oil: Debate over whether the oil is legal to purchase for pets in Ohio

I don’t normally do medical articles on pets because I’d hate to give someone bad advice. The topic of using hemp oil on pets is something I’m very interested in these days because it’s the last resort for one of our cats. When traditional veterinary medicine fails, a natural product may be just what …

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Is CBD oil such a wonder drug for pets that it is made out to be?

CBD oil

There is an explosion of information about the use of CBD oil in the treatment of a wide range of illnesses and psychological conditions suffered by cats and dogs. There is also some confusion surrounding the use of CBD oil as a treatment for pets. Having read about the subject, there’s a lot of …

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