Cat meme videos of Johnny Depp versus Amber Heard defamation trial

Johnny, you hit me meme using cats

NEWS AND COMMENT: The Johnny Depp versus Amber Heard defamation trial which is being broadcast to the world from the court room in Fairfax County, Virginia is perfect material for imaginative video makers who’ve used it to create videos of all kinds including using domestic cats to mock this unseemly contest between two high-profile …

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Picture of an obese Sphynx cat looks like a plush toy

Sphynx cat looks like a plump plush toy

It is extraordinary, to me, that an owner of Sphynx cats can allow one of their cats to become morbidly obese and turn her cat into a celebrity and in doing so, vicariously, obtain some celebrity themselves. And it is doubly extraordinary that some of the comments are the Instagram page which promotes this …

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O.J. Simpson speaks to his followers on Twitter about Betty White and his two Abyssinian cats

OJ Simpson speaks to his follows on Twitter about Betty White and his two Abyssinian cats

This is a Twitter video in which O.J. Simpson talks to his followers at the breaking of the New Year 2022. He wishes people a Happy New Year despite the Omicron variant of the Covid virus spreading very rapidly, albeit with milder symptoms. That’s the background but he was speaking about the days when …

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Humans breed cats to extreme and change themselves to an extreme too

Humans breed cats to extreme and change themselves to an extreme too

There must be a common reason why some people are obsessed with extreme appearance in animals and in humans. There must be something wrong with humankind if there are people who think it is clever to breed cats to an extreme appearance or change their appearance in an extreme way. The two objectives or …

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Herman the Exotic Shorthair passed away 25.05.2019

Herman. The bug-eyed Exotic SH

Herman was the bug-eyed overbred Exotic Shorthair cat (a shorthaired Persian) who, due to his odd appearance, became one of those much heralded and celebrated online cat celebrities with many thousands of followers on Instagram and all the other social media sites that are popular. Herman was known for his big eyes and loving …

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