Do cheetahs live in the rainforest?

Cheetah distribution and rainforest in Africa

Cheetahs do not live in the rainforest. The map below shows you where the cheetah lives on the African continent and in Iran and Azerbaijan. I made it from IUCN Red List information. The distribution is incredibly fragmented due to human activities of various kinds which erodes their habitat and destroys their lives. Their …

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Do cheetahs eat zebras?

Cheetah eating a zebra

The question is asking two separate questions: Do cheetahs eat zebras when they have been killed by another predator i.e. scavenge zebra carcasses? Do cheetahs chase, attack, kill and then eat zebras? The first question can be answered in the affirmative. I guess that is obvious because cheetahs are obligate carnivores like all cats. …

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