Cats strike back against tiresome, disrespectful toddlers!

Cats fight back against babies

It had to come. Cats can take so much disrespect and mishandling. They’ve reached breaking point. Enough is enough. Bam. Splat. Take that! Pesky little kids. Leave me in peace. These are the possible thoughts of the cats in the video. That said, there are many great relationships between cats and toddlers. And I …

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UK students are allowed to identify as cats, horses and dinosaurs!

Meow - students identify as animals

NEWS AND VIEWS-UK: This is another episode in an ongoing trend concerning students – I believe to be relatively young students – who want to self-identify as animals and to want to be addressed as such to the point where one student at one secondary school in the UK answered questions in class by …

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Between 30% and 50% of partners prefer their pet to their partner

Up to 50% women or men prefer their pet to their partner

You will see various statistics on this topic. All are interesting and perhaps a little shocking. My quick research indicated that between about 30% and about 50% of people in a relationship with another person prefer their cat or dog companion compared to their human partner. One website’s article from 2022 refers to a …

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New Zealand’s junior school kids love to shoot cats for prize money

New Zealand kids shooting feral cats for prize money

NEWS AND COMMENT (Opinion): Will you be as disgusted as I am having read this article? I hope so as it is a failure in child care and inherently cruel. It is about asking kids to engage in potentially criminal activity. It is that bad. The North Canterbury Hunting Competition of New Zealand has …

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Trending in the UK: Karate Cats maths educational videos

Karate Cats maths

Google Trends tells me that Karate Cats and particularly Karate Cats Maths are trending upwards under the general umbrella of the search term “cat”. It’s also worth noting that dogs are about as twice as popular as cats in terms of a search term on Google search. Does that mean that dogs are twice …

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Do domestic cats help children with developmental problems such as autism and ADHD?

Autism in kids and development problems and cats

I am sure that many parents have discussed whether adopting a cat or dog can help their child who has been diagnosed with autism or ADHD. There is quite a lot of information on the internet about the benefits of children with developmental problems interacting with animals. There are even programs run by charities …

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Do you feel that you are a parent to your cat?

Are you a parent to your cat?

There has been a rise in interspecies families and in parallel a decline in marriage. In the UK, for instance, there are 1.2 million more people in the age brackets 25-35 unmarried in 2021 compared to 10 years earlier. The decline in marriage opens a door to a rise in a different kind of …

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Infographic on ‘Compatibility of Cats with Children in the Family’

Child and ginger tabby cat

As the Infographic is based upon a scientific study, it has, on the face of it, validity. Nonetheless, I would like to add some thoughts of my own. Firstly, they assessed the interactions of children between the ages of 3-12 years of age. And there were 665 participants. And as you can see, they …

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