Bishop criticises Dean of Southwark for holding a memorial service for the cathedral’s cat

NEWS AND VIEWS: Doorkins Magnificat was Southwark Cathedral’s cat and she passed away on September 30 of liver failure. She started living at the cathedral in 2013. She had been living around nearby Borough Market feeding off food provided by the traders. When she entered the cathedral, she was welcomed by the head verger …

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“Churchwarden” black cat has served the church and congregation diligently for 18 years


CAT NEW AND VIEWS: A devout and elderly black cat has welcomed visitors and attended services at St Mary’s Church in Langham for about 18 years. His name is Jerry and his presence completely debunks any superstitions that anybody might have that black cats are associated with witches! He is a complete charmer and …

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Atheists more likely to live with cats than churchgoers

Cat in church

Researcher Samuel Perry of Oklahoma University suggests that atheists are more likely to be the guardian of a domestic cat because their cat is godlike and they worship their cat! Also, they obtain the social interaction that they require from their cat companion while churchgoers already have plenty of social interaction which means that …

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Urgent! Texas church just sealed 4 TNR cats in their basement in attempt to kill them with poison

Agape Memorial United Methodist Church

Dated 13 Aug at 07:44. Have these cats been released yet? Is there an update? “Dallas, Texas: This church just sealed 4 feral cats underneath their building to either starve of die from naphthaline pesticide poison they put under there! These cats are all fixed and are a registered colony for 7 years. Rescuers …

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Cat shooting at Christian chapel exposes ungodly behavior

Cat shooting at Christian chapel exposes ungodly behavior

The shooting of a domestic cat by a chapel maintenance worker exposed many ungodly wrongs. The Bitterroot Valley Calvary Chapel Church declare on Facebook that “we believe that God’s rule and reign came to earth expressed in the life and ministry of his son…”. This is a Christian church doing their best to live …

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