Is burning incense bad for cats?

Incense burning

Yes, burning incense is bad for cats but the reports are somewhat conflicting and more work is needed. Please read on for some more detail! I was reading a book by Dr Yuki Hattari, Japan’s leading cat doctor. He tells us, like any decent cat owner would, that cigarette smoking in the home carries …

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If you live with a cat and you smoke inside you are harming your cat

Cat with lung cancer possibly due to second or third hand cigarette smoke

Perhaps you realise it and don’t care or can’t stop or perhaps it didn’t occur to you but if you live with a cat and if you smoke cigarettes inside the home it is very likely that you will be harming your cat. And if you love your cat it is crazy to be …

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Stoves, heaters, fireplaces, chimneys, candles, cigarettes, kerosene heaters can harm your cat

Cat by fireplace

The things mentioned in the title are potential sources of fine particulate matter (PM 2.5) and a study in Taiwan found that high concentrations of these particles ‘was significantly associated with respiratory disease in cats, suggesting potentially harmful effects of indoor air pollutants on feline patients’. The classic image of a cat enjoying the …

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Vets issue e-cigarette alert after rise in pet poisonings

The Veterinary Poisons Information Service (VPIS) in the UK have issued a report indicating a steep rise in poisonings of pets by e-cigarette devices. I suspect that most of the poisonings relate to dogs but I am unable at this time to find the actual report. My source is the Times newspaper. Pets are …

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Can cats get cancer from second-hand smoke?

Yes, cats can get cancer from second-hand smoke. Although common sense dictates that this must be the case, a television super vet, Noel Fitzpatrick, says that pet owners haven’t quite yet got the message that both dogs and cats can get cancer from second-hand smoke. He says that dogs get cancer in their noses …

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Third-hand Cigarette Smoke and Cat Health

Third-hand cigarette smoke may have an impact on a cat’s health. It should be flagged up, at least. Third-hand cigarette smoke is a controversial subject. Some people say it is just the anti-smoking brigade putting out propaganda. No doubt, the people who argue this are smokers. I think, however, that third-hand cigarette smoke is …

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