Thai cats – describing their place in the Siamese cat family

People have different points of view about Thai cats. And it is quite a complicated history. I will present my views and try and simplify the history. Although I expect someone to disagree with me. Thai cats are a relatively new form of Siamese cat. It is probably politically incorrect to describe Thai cats …

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Missing Seal Point Siamese Cat, Fayetteville, NC

PLEASE HELP! My daughter’s Siamese cat got out some how last night in the Grays creek/Aspen creek area (of Fayetteville, North Carolina). He is a chocolate seal very sweet and loving cat. Is use to dogs and is very vocal when you talk to him. There is a reward if he is returned with …

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Types of Siamese Cat with Pictures

This is an attempt to explain the different types of Siamese cat with the help of illustrations that show the subtle differences. What do I mean by ‘type’ of Siamese cat? I am referring to the body conformation, the shape of the cat’s body, head, ears, tail etc. For the purposes of this article, …

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Siamese Cat Breeders

Is this a Classic Siamese Cat? – see below The title of this page is misleading. The page is about the traditional or old style Siamese cat. The selective breeding of this cat is very relevant. There are several types of Siamese cat. The most extreme is the what I have called the ‘modern …

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