Can domestic cats be mentally challenged?

Cat intelligence

Can domestic cats be mentally challenged or in ruder language ‘retarded’? I believe that in order to answer the question it might be useful to divide the domestic cat into two groups: the random bred cats i.e. moggies and the purebred, pedigree cats that you normally buy from a breeder. Cognitive dysfunction syndrome There …

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Elderly cat diet to delay onset or progress of cognitive dysfunction

Sarah Hartwell's cat Mr Minns

In veterinary circles cognitive dysfunction is referred to as CD. To laypeople it means senility. I have found a nice tip which may help to slow the onset of CD in an elderly cat. Free radical scavengers Dr Bruce Fogle explains what free radical scavengers are and how they can help slow the onset …

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What happens when a cat goes senile?

What happens when a cat go senile? This is a reasonable question because the changes in behavior can be quite subtle. Diagnosis can be tricky especially for the cat owner. Difficult diagnostically I believe that we have to be careful that we do not confuse senility with the perceived quirkiness of domestic cat behavior. …

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Feline Dementia: Cats Are Living Too Long

The veterinarians call it cognitive dysfunction syndrome.  We call it feline dementia.  My reading of the situation in the UK is that with respect to feline dementia the domestic cat is following in the footsteps of humans to which you can add feline diabetes and feline obesity. The title is a bit provocative in …

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