Personality tests should be a prerequisite for admission to veterinary college

Personality tests should be a prerequisite for admission to veterinary college

In light of Elisa’s story of the veterinarian who hit a dog (see link below), it occurred to me, as I am sure it has occurred to many others, that veterinary schools should apply a personality test to applicants. I have spent the last 30 minutes researching how students apply to veterinary college. I …

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Feral Cats Test Whether We Are Compassionate and Decent People

Quote about compassion towards animals

Compassion is a much admired quality in people. Compassion is soft, gentle and tender but it can take strength to exercise it. Even the word itself sounds soft and gentle. Compassion is a quality that people should aspire to. Compassion is on the decency spectrum of human qualities. People who have compassion towards the …

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