Joho (leopard cat) threatened by businesses in Taiwan

As is commonplace throughout the world we have another example of business destroying the habitat of wild cat species which in this case concerns the leopard cat (aka Asian leopard cat) in Miaoli, a county in the middle of Taiwan. Also commonplace is the destruction of habitat by big business under dubious planning applications …

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The Iberian lynx faces extinction in Spain. Relocate some to the UK.

Anne-Marie Hodge writing for the Ecology Global Network paints a bleak picture of the survival of the Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus), the rarest of all wild cat species. She says that climate change is an added factor in the demise of this species where it lives, in two small areas in southwestern Spain. Climate …

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Asiatic Lion Refuge in Gujarat, India Has Been Successful but Is Now under Threat

The only place where the wild Asiatic lion lives is in the Gir Forest, Gujarat, India. It has been a success story. The population of lions has increased. In 1968 there were less than 200 lions. Today the number is 441. There are calls to relocate some of the lions to another reserve. This …

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Jackie Kennedy’s Role in Leopard Fur Craze

The leopard fur craze took off in the 1960s. This was a time of confidence when a person could display their wealth and it was also a time when there was far less sensitivity towards conservation particularly with respect to fur coats. It has been said by Dr Morris that Mrs Jacqueline Kennedy, supported …

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Chinese businessman bought, electrocuted and ate three tigers

A businessman in China has been caught illegally buying, killing and eating three tigers that were smuggled into, China probably from India/Bangladesh. That would make them Bengal tigers, which were almost certainly poached from a reserve. He was jailed for 13 years and fined £160,000 – 1.5m yuan or $250,000 USD. The man is …

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Yankee Jungle TV Program – My Observations and Thoughts

By Cade – (a visitor who has relevant experience). I only became aware of the petition (which I happily signed) this morning. I found this article (Michael’s original article on the petition to drop the program) via a Google search, looking for discussions on the problems with this show. Glad I found this. While …

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Siberian Tigers Wander Across the Border to Raid Chinese Farms

The Russian government wants to get along with the Chinese government. They have similar philosophies; dictatorship disguised as a quasi-democracy. Russia also wants to get along with China for economic reasons because Europe is putting the squeeze on them financially with sanctions as a result of Russia invading the Ukraine. Russia recently completed a …

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Animal Planet Petitioned to Drop Yankee Jungle TV Program

Animal Planet’s new TV program, Yankee Jungle, promotes bad attitudes with respect to keeping exotic animals and supports the discredited private zoos. Kristina Snyder is petitioning the producers and directors of Animal Planet to drop a new television program called “Yankee Jungle” which features what Kristina describes as a roadside zoo where they breed …

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