Every cat has their favourite way of being petted so find and deliver it to make them happy

Cat's sensitive spot

You’d agree that it is the sworn duty of all cat caregivers to keep their cat safe and make them happy. Those are the two goals and the former precedes the latter. I believe that every cat has a preferred way to be petted. There is no universal petting method. How cats like to …

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Can cats smile?

Can cats smile. What do you think?

An often-asked question in relation to domestic cats is, “Can cats smile?” It is a question about feline emotions as you can’t smile unless you are happy, a basic emotion. The experts and the observant cat caregivers believe or know that cats can at least experience basic emotions. They can feel happy but can …

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Full-time indoor cats are being short-changed on mental stimulation

We keep cats indoors full-time primarily for the benefit of the owner

The trend towards keeping domestic cats indoors full-time, particularly in developed countries where there are predators such as the USA, has introduced an interesting dynamic into the human-to-cat relationship. For me, it questions the motivation for this aspect of cat caregiving. The Infographic below explains what I mean. I don’t want to be critical …

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Cell phone app understands your cat’s facial expressions

AI in cellphone app can read feline facial expressions

A cell phone (smartphone) app, in development, but in beta version called Tably, uses artificial intelligence (AI) to be able to read a domestic cat’s facial expressions to tell the owner how their cat feels. It is an interesting development on the back of previous studies which showed that domestic cats do have subtle …

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The Holy Grail of multi-cat homes

Two cats love each other

This is the reddit.com headline: We adopted a second cat from a hoarding situation. It turns out he was my cat’s soulmate. The two of them have been inseparable since he arrived. So a bit of good luck lead to super harmony. They glow with happiness. It’s what I have called the Holy Grail …

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Guy says: “This year has been rough so I adopted this cat and things have been better”.

Man with cat snuggling up

The statement sums up the benefits that living with a domestic cat companion can bring you. “Snuggle cats” is a nice phrase which conjures up the sweet, tender moments that you spend with your cat when he or she is lying against you or on your lap. You slow down immediately. When your cat …

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How do I know my cat is happy?

Happy cat

The signs that your cat is happy will be subtle. It is easier to ask yourself whether you are happy and whether you have created an environment for your cat which will make her happy. I feel that the question should be redirected towards the person. Yes, it can be difficult to know whether …

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Apparently cats don’t smile. But this little rascal looks pretty happy to me

Smiling contented cat because his owner is smiling and contented

I have always said that if a cat is smiling it is not because he is smiling but because his facial anatomy makes it seem like he is smiling but my resolve to stick to that point of view is waning fast. This tabby, who looks male to me, is supremely content and it …

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