Feral, stray and domestic cat contraception roundup. Infographic.

Cat contraception would be wonderful especially for feral cats with a focus on the persecuted feral cats of Australia. Think of the huge amount of pain and distress caused to feral cats by the authorities on that continent in an effort to make feral cats extinct through shooting and poisoning. Contraception would be painless …

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Using gene therapy to achieve long-term reproductive control in female cats

Durable contraceptives for feral cats

This is a report on a study looking at a durable contraceptive for female feral cats to try and control numbers in the US. We constantly read about feral cats decimating wildlife although, if we are honest, we don’t know accurately the impact feral cats have on the population numbers of the feral cats’ …

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Impose strict proactive rules to solve the feral cat problem

Proactively solving the feral cat problem worldwide through strict liability laws and tougher punishments

Over many years, the experts and the websites have discussed the so-called “feral cat problem”. This is the procreation of domestic cats that become unwanted and which procreate in the wild and create feral cats. The root cause of this problem is unsatisfactory cat ownership. Once you don’t neuter and spay cats and they …

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