Peke-face Persian corneal ulcers. Infographic.

Bulging eye of the Peke-face Persian which can exacerbate the development of corneal ulcers

Peke-face Persians are particularly susceptible to developing corneal ulcers due to their prominent eyes, facial conformation, and associated tear production or drainage issues. Regular eye care and early intervention when symptoms appear are essential in managing and preventing corneal ulcers in these cats. If untreated, corneal ulcers can lead to more severe complications, including …

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Sphynx cats have a higher prevalence of certain ocular diseases compared to other feline breeds

Corneal sequestrum in a Persian cat

Introduction A lot of this was written by ChatGPT by the way, an AI chatbox owned by Elon Musk. The man is a genius and a super-workaholic. I am always interested in inherited diseases of purebred cats because I like medical stuff and I strongly disagree with cat breeding if it depends on inbreeding …

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Cat’s whiskers curl up into her eyes. Should the owner trim them?

Cat with 2 individual whiskers that curl up and touch both her eyes

In the photo you can see 2 individual whiskers curling up into this cat’s eyes but the owner says that their cat is unperturbed (but they might be mistaken). The picture is strange and a bit disturbing. The owner of the cat asks other users whether they should trim the two individual whiskers. …

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