People’s generosity gave this kitten a button hole

Kitten born without an anus gets one thanks to online crowdfunding

Cluck, now a month old, was born without an anus. Kitty Bungalow Charm School for Wayward Cats and Sharon Williams went to crowdfunding online to raise money for an operation to resolve Cluck’s imperforate anus. I love the generosity of cat and animal lovers. Over $10,000 has been raised from 279 donations. That must …

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Heroic Veterinary Medics at Middletown Animal Hospital Continue To Treat Victims of Wildfire

The headline news about the California wildfires have subsided but the work to treat the animals who miraculously survived, some with severe injuries, continues and will do so for months to come. Middletown Animal Hospital is in Lake County, California and a wildfire in that area which started on 12th September consumed 76,000 acres …

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