Five reasons in an INFOGRAPHIC why some cats foul the house

Five reasons why a cat might defecate inappropriately

‘Fouling’ means defecating in this instance. Domestic cat marking with faces as opposed to urine is not uncommon and the reason behind the territorial marking will fundamentally be the same. Other than territorial issues there is health and the all-important litter box management in terms of cleanliness and position. The size of the litter …

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Owner asks, “What does it mean if your cat screams repeatedly every time before taking a poop?”

Cat screaming

Frankly, the question in the title irritates me, which is why I am writing about it. It is a question asked on social media ( The person should not be asking the question in the first place because they are directing the question at people who are not veterinarians. They are seeking advice from …

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14 suggestions about domestic cats not using the litter box

It's not inappropriate elimination because for me it is appropriate to avoid the litter tray.

Introduction: The problem of domestic cats not using the litter box is the source of millions of articles. It is euphemistically called “inappropriate elimination”. It is an inaccurate description because from the cat’s standpoint it is entirely appropriate because there’s a reason behind their behaviour and this article sets out 14 different possible reasons. …

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Do cats sometimes defecate when scared?

do cats sometimes defecate when scared

Do domestic cats sometimes defecate when they are scared such as when on the veterinarian’s consultation table? The answer quite definitely is yes. I have personal experience of this when I took my then three-legged black, male cat to the vet because of what transpired to be a tumour behind his eye. He was …

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My cat is perfectly clean but smells of poop. What’s up?

Young black cat who smells of poop despite looking clean

It’s a simple question and it probably justifies an equally simple answer. I can think of two possible reasons; the first of which is probably the correct one. Your cat is using the litter box and it is not uncommon, as you might imagine, for domestic cats to walk on their poop when they …

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Cat locked out of bedroom defecates and pees on the living room sofa and is called an ‘asshole’

Cats and babies in harmony together

Here is a very typical “bad cat behaviour problem”. And, in reality, it is not a bad cat behaviour problem at all but a human-created problem. Husband and wife have a baby and the baby sleeps in the bedroom with them. All very normal. For years the family cat slept in the bedroom with …

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Why are humans disgusted by their faeces but cats aren’t?

Cat pooping

This is a philosophical question even if it does incorporate poo which is quite a nice juxtaposition. It is said that humans are hardwired to be repulsed by their own excreta. And apparently Charles Darwin identified human beings’ disgust at excrement as an essential human emotion. Further, Prof Valerie Curtis, a self-styled “disgustologist”, argued …

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