Is this new Chinese respiratory disease affecting children serious and zoonotic?

Langya virus

I would think that some people are a little concerned about the news from China of hospitals being overwhelmed with sick children after a surge in respiratory illnesses. It sounds a bit like Covid-19 all over again. And as you know, Covid-19 is a zoonosis which means it’s a disease which humans caught from …

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Can a domestic cat kill a human?

Cat attacks his owner

As the word at the beginning of the question is “can” I can discuss it theoretically. Theoretically a domestic cat could kill a human directly (physically) under very exceptional and infinitesimally rare circumstances but there are probably instances where domestic cats in countries other than in the West have killed humans indirectly by transferring …

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Indignation at pet owning South Korean girl band after handling baby panda

Blackpink members handle panda cub

Background Blackpink is a South Korean girl band formed by YG Entertainment consisting of members Jisoo, Jenniw, Rosé and Lisa. Everland in South Korea as a theme park and vacation resort located in Yongin, Gyeonggi-do. It opened in April 1976. At the resort they have a three-month-old baby panda, Fu Bao, who was born …

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Stray cats are diseased but humans aren’t. Discuss.

Dirty stray kitten being bathed and accepting it

There is a perception among some people that stray cats are diseased and can transmit infections to people. I’m reminded of this by a woman in Hong Kong, Icy Song, who runs into stray cats on her way to Lingnan University. She comments as follows: Although I feel pity for the stray cats, I …

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What is vertical transmission of pathogens in cats?

Horizontal and vertical transmission of disease in cats

Whereas horizontal transmission of pathogens (germs) is between one cat to another both of whom are not in a parent to child relationship, vertical transmission is between mother and offspring as a foetus or kitten in utero. For example, feline parvovirus can be spread vertically if the queen (mother cat) becomes infected whilst pregnant. …

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My previous cat was euthanised after having feline herpesvirus. Do I need to clean the whole house before I get another cat?

Feline viruses

I received a question from a visitor to my website which is published below. I recently had to have my cat put down. She was a feral and she had the feline herpesvirus. Unfortunately, I was unable to administer any meds because she went crazy if anyone wanted to pick her up let alone …

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