Cats Used in Child Custody Wars During Divorce

children and toxoplasmosis

When a couple are married, the domestic cat is a member of the family, cherished and loved, often particularly strongly by the children of the family. When a couple are divorcing, the cat or the dog sometimes becomes a “possession” (“chattel” in old fashioned legal English) of the once happily married couple, to be …

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Prenuptial Agreements Concerning Pets

Couples with marriage on their mind are increasingly insisting on a prenuptial agreement which sets out who gets custody of the pets if and when they separate. It’s a bit scientific, cold and calculating but it is sensible. Prenuptial agreements help to avoid drawnout litigation at the end of a marriage often with devastating …

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Example: Wrong People Looking After Cats

Here is a live and current example of how, if we are honest, the wrong people can end up looking after domestic cats. Quality of cat care really depends of the quality of the person. Three years ago, a woman split up with her husband. An ordinary day-to-day occurrence. As is typical in divorces, …

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Life is Improving for the Domestic Cat

This flow chart explains why I say life is getting better for the domestic cat: The information comes from the AVMA 2012 U.S. Pet Ownership & Demographics Sourcebook. This obviously applies to the USA. However it could equally well apply to the UK. The specific numbers (USA) are as follows: Among divorced, widowed and …

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