16 facts about cat restraining collars

Soft Elizabethan collar

Here are 16 facts about cat restraining collars which may be useful to cat caregivers. They are an essential item of post-operative cat care on many occasions but also guaranteed to cause distress and irritation for the cat. It seems that the caregiver needs to provide a substantial amount of input and be self-disciplined …

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How to remove cat odor – one method: enzymatic cleaner

Pet urine odor remover

The best way, and only way to be honest, to remove cat odour is to use an enzymatic pet odour cleaner. And to be clear, by “cat odour” I am referring to cat pee. I’m discussing the removal of the odour that domestic cat urine emits it’s when a domestic cat eliminates inappropriately as …

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Young Cambodian man builds amazing kitten playground by hand from jungle mud and saplings (no screws or nails)

Young Cambodian man builds amazing kitten playground by hand from mud and saplings

Well, all I can say is that I am incredibly impressed by this young Cambodian man. He is working in the jungle creating a wonderful kitten playground out of natural products: saplings and red mud. He does not use any screws or nails. It is all constructed in the most natural way. I don’t …

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Domestic cats prefer to sleep on polyester fleece

Fleece commercially made cat bed

Domestic cats prefer to sleep on polyester fleece to cotton-looped towelling according to a study (I don’t have the title). This seems to make sense as fleece probably keeps them warmer. The heat is trapped. In another study, the welfare of cats in a testing laboratory (horrible places) was improved by providing soft resting …

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Is this clear plastic DIY cat litter box better than commercially manufactured ones?

Making you own cat litter box from clear plastic tote storage box

This is a video by a really competent American woman on how to make your own cat litter box out of a clear plastic tote storage container. I’m very impressed with her DIY skills. She claims that her box is better than commercially manufactured ones. Please note that sometimes videos stop working overtime for …

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