Adorable, loving friendship between Pitbull and Russian-bred Maine Coon

Maine Coon cat, Earnest falls into the arms of Hemingway, his Pitbull dog friend

Samantha, on TikTok, captured a sweet moment between her Pitbull dog, Hemingway, and a Russian-bred polydactyl Maine Coon, Ernest. Hemingway invites a cuddle from his cat companion. Hemingway slides forward with his forelegs to make contact with the cat’s beautiful, plumed tail. The plumed tail and the lynx-tipped ears and the general appearance, plus …

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Dog protective of his best feline friend after both were abandoned

Morticia and Gomez

A dog, a Chihuahua-mix, and a black-and-white cat were seen huddled together between portable toilets at a park in Hampton, Virginia, USA. They must have been abandoned because they were there, as you can see in the photograph, frightened and alone. The dog whose been named Gomez, was protective of his best feline friend, …

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Do dogs really hate cats or is it just a cartoon fantasy?

Dog loves cat and vice versa

A dog’s inherited instinct would be to chase cats as he’d chase other small animals because dogs are predators but…’dogs and cats can be friends. This isn’t always true and probably depends a lot on temperament and early socialization, but it can happen’.(Victoria Elder, Los Angeles). Hate? I don’t think so (Michael Lawrence). The …

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Love at a distance between cat and dog

A neighbor’s dog falls in love with the cat next door. He sits at the railings…   Dear Neighbor – This is going to seem ridiculous, but I thought you should know that my dog (who loves next door at….with me) is madly in love with your cat….and has been for probably 6 months! …

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Ruth the Paralyzed cat and Idgie, her loving Dachshund guardian: Featured stars on Nat Geo Wild

Early last year the inspirational and heart-touching story about a sweet, partially paralyzed tuxedo kitten named Ruth and her devoted Dachshund side-kick puppy named Idgie went viral. The two were almost “glued at the hip” companion animals were named after two characters in “Fried Green Tomatoes”, the popular 1991 comedy-drama film based on the …

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Shepherd Dog Security Blanket for Cheetah

This is a nice and unexpected story. It is not hard, fresh news but it is news to me. I expect it is to some other people as well. You may know that in Africa farmers sometimes use the Anatolian Shepherd dog as a guard for livestock such as goats and sheep. The Anatolian …

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