Two young American guys sicced their Pitbull-type dogs on a black cat

2 young black guys set their black pit bull type dogs on a black cat sitting in a porch

NEWS AND COMMENT: The first thing I want to address is the word “sicced”. I don’t even know how to pronounce it. I’ve never seen it before which is unusual for me but it means ‘to set upon or attack’. Normally you would say that these two guys set their dogs on a black …

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Dog that kills one cat and inflicts minor injury on a person considered “potentially dangerous” in Santa Rosa

Dale, a gray and white short-haired male cat, with green eyes, was killed Friday, Feb. 18, 2022, by two roaming dogs

NEWS AND COMMENT-CENTRE ROSA, CALIFORNIA: A man owns two aggressive dogs; one is a pit-bull and the other is a shepherd mix. They were allowed to roam freely in Santa Rosa and they attacked and killed two domestic cats who were also allowed to roam freely. It is unclear if this occurred in one …

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