Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA) should revise breed standards as the Kennel Club has done for the French bulldog

The Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA) has been under pressure for decades to revise the breed standard i.e. the guidelines, for the flat-faced cat breeds namely the Exotic Shorthair, the Persian and the Himalayan. I hope that the pressure has been ramped up on the news that the Kennel Club has revised its guidelines for …

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2 dog breeds that experts agree will get along with cats

Beagle and cat

I did a bit of legwork on this one. There will be differences of opinion. I tried to find a consensus on the dog breeds that get along well with domestic cats. Having searched five different sources I found a consensus on 2 dog breeds: Labrador Retriever and the Beagle. There is also a …

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Are Ragdoll cats good with dogs?

Ragdoll meets large dog for the first time and gets along because they are socialised to the other species of animal

People thinking about adopting a purebred cat want to know whether Ragdoll cats are good with dogs and the answer at root comes down to whether an individual Ragdoll cat is socialised to dogs in general. What I mean is whether an individual Ragdoll is used to being around dogs because they were introduced …

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Approval for a Spring Green, Wisconsin couple to breed dogs for medical research has sparked outrage among the Sauk County community

Sauk County meeting

The approval for a Spring Green, Wisconsin couple to breed dogs for medical research has sparked outrage among the Sauk County community. Sauk County Land Resources and Environment Committee approved the medical research to take place at an old agricultural site. This comes after Clinton and Jill Kane had first asked to breed dogs …

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Why are domestic cats all the same size but dog size varies a lot?

Small and large cats and dogs

Domestic dogs vary in size much more that cats because they have been selectively breed for a much longer time. With a head start of thousands of years the relentless selective breeding of dogs has forced their sizes to new upper and lower limits. Today, the lightest dog might be 1.5% the weight of …

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