Winter blues in dogs: how seasonal changes affect canine behavior and well-being

My infographic summarizes a report in The Times newspaper yesterday (23rd January 2024 written by Rhys Blakeley) of a survey on the possible winter blues suffered by some canines. I think it fair to say that what is said about companion dogs may also in some households apply to domestic cats. There is probably …

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The joys and challenges of dog ownership: a balanced perspective (infographic)

Here is an infographic summarizing, as per a Hungarian study, the joys and challenged of dog ownership (‘caregiving’ is a better description). More: buying dogs Although the Infographic relates to dog caregiving, similarities must exist between cats and dogs in terms of the upsides and downsides of ownership. Although domestic cats don’t tend to …

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PETA’s open letter criticising Lily Allen is about wider issues of ‘pet ownership’

Lily Allen relinquished her rescue dog Mary and has received widespread criticism from all quarters

You may know that Lily Allen relinquished her rescue puppy ‘Mary’ (said to be a Maltipoo but I am not sure about that) to the shelter from where she adopted the dog because Mary destroyed her passport and the passports of her children because she was left alone and suffers from separation anxiety causing …

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True or false? Cat owners are more neurotic than ‘resilient’ dog owners?

Is this study inadvertently misogynistic by inference?

Another study, this time from Australia (the country where they hate feral cats), concluded that dog owners have a personality which allows them to better bounce back from stressful situations i.e. they are more resilient than cat owners who they conclude are more likely to be neurotic (‘demonstrating higher levels of neuroticism’). Let’s have …

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Dogs are more likely to scavenge on their owner’s dead body than cats

Elderly cat and dog owner

While the subject is quite grim, it’s intriguing to note that a 2015 study documented 63 instances of dogs consuming their deceased owners. Remarkably, in a quarter of these cases, the dogs began to eat the remains less than a day after their owner’s death, even though they had access to other food sources …

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Is it true that dogs have been banned as pets in North Korea?

North Korean citizens still have dogs despite the leaders executive order to not have pet dogs but to treat them as livestock

April 2024: Most of us know that Kim Jong-un’s government does all it can to indoctrinate North Korean citizens into behaving like robots and worshipping the autocratic dictator. So, everything is homogenised. The citizens have to wear similar clothes and have similar haircuts and women can’t wear shorts but men can. It’s all designed …

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What is the difference between a cat owner and a dog owner?

What is the difference between a cat owner and a dog owner? A complex question to which a simple answer cannot be provided.

I’ve got some personal views about this. We’ve got to be careful not to stereotype people; pigeonhole them into one bracket or category for the simple reason that the answer to the question in the title is not black and white. There is a spectrum of personality types providing care for their cats and …

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