Brachycephalic Airway Syndrome (BAS) in Peke-face Persian cats. INFOGRAPHIC

Featured image for the BAS Peke-face Persian infographic

Once again, my objective in this infographic about another inherited disease affecting the Peke-face Persian is to make normally lengthy and complicated medical reports accessible to the general public to allow a better understanding of how, for me, the breeding of the Persian has been very wrong for many decades (‘over-typed‘); perhaps since the …

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Blofeld’s cat – coat, breed and more facts

Donald Pleasance playing Blofeld with his Chinchilla Persian whose name was Solomon

The chinchilla Persian is one of the cat fancy’s most glamorous cats. I’m referring to the traditional doll face variety. It appeared in 1882 and was first exhibited at a cat show in 1894. The Chinchilla Cat Club was created in 1901. And in the 1960s the chinchilla Persian became famous as the pet …

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Prize-winning blue Persian cat carried like a sack of potatoes by owner

Patrick of Allington, a blue Persian wins first prize at a cat show at Holy Trinity Hall in central London in 1933

This is another interesting cat show photo from a different era. It shows a blue Persian cat of the traditional style (doll-face). His name is Patrick of Allington. Cat fanciers love their fancy names and rightly so. His attractive female owner carries Patrick on her shoulders as if carrying a sack of potatoes from …

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The Chinchilla Persian cat who eats Coco Pops and survives

He’s just so greedy. He just scrounges for food like a dog, and when I’ve fed him he’s still hungry. He’ll go through the bins like he’s never been fed in his life. He does it all the time. This is Greedy Cat, a temporary replacement for Grumpy Cat, RIP. His real name is …

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Cat put in washing machine as punishment for inappropriate elimination (video)

Punished cat

WARNING: unpleasant content. The video and images are now being investigated by police after it was shared on social media Cat abusers are anywhere, in any country. Sometimes they don’t even realise that they are abusing their cat such is their degraded level of sensitivity towards animals and others. In this instance, it is …

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Cat Matata, Half Dog or Half Cat?

by Rudolph.A.Furtado (Mumbai) Matata Cat Matata, the offspring of my traditional Persian queen, cat Matahari is more dog-like in behaviour, something that baffles me. He is absolutely childish in behaviour, the non-human child of my bachelor house-hold! He is mortally afraid of his dam Matahari, she being the ultimate alpha cat of the house. …

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