Why Are Domestic Cats So Small?

Domestic cat size

People search using Google and other search engines to find an answer to the question, “Why are domestic cats so small?”. This article provides an answer. Domestic cats are not small in the grand scheme of things, by which I mean that when you compare their size to all other animals and not solely …

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Cat of the week: the largest Maine Coon I have seen

Here is a thumpingly large Maine Coon. You won’t see a larger domestic cat unless someone calls a tamed puma a domestic cat. The Maine Coon is the largest domestic cat breed (excluding F1 wild cat hybrids). Not only is he impressively large, I have never seen lynx typed ears with such long hair. …

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Cat Size Facts For Kids

This page, written for children, shows the sizes of cats of the world, wild & domestic. I show the weights of some domestic cat breeds and typical domestic cats together with the sizes of all the wild cat species. The size is based on weight but I also show lengths for all the wild …

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Largest Domestic Cat Breed

All-white God-like monster Maine Coon

The Maine Coon is the largest cat breed recognized by the Cat Fanciers Association (CFA). Contents This page has been broken up into several pages to meet with Google Core Vital demands. Please click on the pagination links at the base of each section. The contents section does not work entirely but remains to …

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Spot’s Story

by Joyce Sammons (Hodges, SC, USA) Spot Spot was the largest cat my mother and I ever cared for. He just showed up one day in late July 1981. We were preparing for our yearly trip to Myrtle Beach, SC and mama just wasn’t in the mood for a new cat at this time. …

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