Stryker the Cat is a serval not an F1 Savannah cat

Stryker the Cat is a serval not an F1 Savannah cat

There is a celebrity cat on the Internet called Stryker the Cat. We don’t even know the gender of this cat but I will presume that she is female for the time being because she is on the small side, let’s say, for a serval. And she is a serval not a Savannah cat …

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Dear Virginia Beach Animal Control: Please inform the public not to shoot this serval for the ‘thrill of the kill’

serval cat

A serval (exotic cat) is on the loose in the Virginia Beach area after escaping his owners home in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina last October. Hopefully, the NC to Virginia cat will have a better outcome. The biggest risk, as I see it, is too many people like to shoot things for ‘the thrill …

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How many cats and which species?

This is a bit of fun (mainly).  Light-heartedness after some heavyish stuff. There is a photo on Facebook taken by the Savannah Cat Shoppe called “Serval Cat’s photo” meaning a photo of serval cats. It is also captioned “All seven”. It may have been taken with a mobile phone. It is an interesting photo. Initially, …

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