How do 25-30 pound Maine Coon cats get on with normally sized 10 pound domestic cats? Do they take advantage of their size?

Large Maine Coon with small random bred cat

The question must refer to a multi-cat household in which there are cats of various sizes. The question is: Do the bigger cats bully the smaller cats? That’s my interpretation of the question in round terms. The reference to the Maine Coon breed is not strictly relevant. In all the reading that I have …

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If a cat walks over your head and sits on your shoulder is she trying to dominate you?

Cat domination!

If a cat walks over your head and sits on your shoulder is she trying to dominate you? The short answer is no. The reason why your cat walks over your head and settles down on your shoulder is because she does not regard your head as ‘out of bounds’. And I think that’s …

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