Dwarf cats 2023 – full discussion

Manchester a dwarf cat living in Moscow

Update February 2023: this page was first published in around 2007 as I recall. The situation regarding the dwarf cat breed is now more settled. The foundation cat breed for all dwarf cats is the Munchkin. Hybridisation of this cat breed with others has resulted in about a dozen dwarf cat breeds (scroll down …

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Picture of adult domestic cat weighing under 4 pounds who has super rare hypoparathyroidism


He is an adult ginger tabby-and-white who looks like a kitten. In the photo below he is being weighed at the vet’s and the scales record 1.61 kgs which is 3.5 pounds. His guardian says he weighs 1.7 kg (3.74 pounds). He is a miniature cat and his name is Munchie. As you can …

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Grumpy cat’s eyes can change her from grumpy to thoughtful

Grumpy cat looking thoughtful not grumpy

Although it is the strong downward-pointing anatomy of Grumpy Cat’s mouth which defines her image, her eyes have a big role to play in her appearance. Here are two images of this most famous of all cat celebrities who has made her ‘owner’ a multimillionaire. The first is the classic grumpy appearance with ‘hooded’ …

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Audio: Listen to me explain the medical reasons for Grumpy Cat’s face

Please click on the audio player immediately below (click the little triangle at the left of the bar below these words) and listen to my explanation for why Grumpy Cat – aka Tardar Sauce – has the facial expression that she has. This is an alternative file type if the player fails: If the …

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