Veterinarian wants to cut off way too much of the ear when ear-tipping

Veterinarian seems to deliberately ear tip badly to annoy the TNR volunteer who brings the cat to him/her. This seems to be a case where they were stopped mid-stream.

This is a comment on PoC by a visitor who is, as you can see, a coordinator and trapper for her local TNR organisation. The person should be praised for her work. She has criticised the veterinarian who ‘ear tips’ the cats in her care. You have probably heard of the process – a …

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Horrific ear-tipping by discount veterinary service

NEWS AND VIEWS-CABOT, USA: Danyelle Freeman and her family adopted a black cat who they called Batman last Christmas. She admits that she does not know much about domestic cats. They adopted Batman because they lost a cat a while back. She rang around and was advised to have her cat neutered because it …

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Icelandic government proposes changes to the law regarding feral cats

Icelandic feral cat

CAT NEWS AND VIEWS: Changes to Icelandic law regarding the status of feral cats on the island has been proposed by the government, as I understand it. I have added the caveat because I’m reliant upon a Google translation of the Icelandic text which is not always 100% reliable. It is reported on Icelandic …

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Does feral cat ear-tipping need clearer guidelines and higher standards?

One centimeter ear-tipping

While browsing the internet I noticed this photograph by Nancy Simmons of an ear-tipped cat. I’ll guess and say that you thought the same as me: too much of the ear was amputated. At least it is the left ear. I see ear tipping of the right ear as well as the left. As …

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Is ear tipping cruel?

Ear tipping is not cruel

Ear tipping is not cruel because the benefits outweigh the detriments and, if it is done under anaesthetic which it almost always is, it is painless to the cat. There is one other issue which is that it spoils the cat’s appearance to a certain extent. Some people don’t like this. But I think …

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Rogue Unskilled TNR Person Botches TNR Operation on Wandering Domestic Cat?

How do people engaged in trap-neuter-return distinguish between feral cats and scruffy outside cats? A story from Fox 46, an online newspaper, concerning a domestic cat got me thinking about how the good people who are engaged in trap-neuter-release programs distinguish with certainty between feral cats and domestic cats who are wandering around outside. …

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