What happens if you neuter a cat too early?

Spaying and neutering cats

In this article I am interpreting the word “neuter” to apply to the sterilisation of male domestic cats (orchidectomy). That is how the word should be used because when you sterilise a female cat the word that describes the operation is “spaying” or “to spay” (ovariohysterectomy). Although, the word ‘neuter’ can apply to both …

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Are you confused about the optimal age to neuter your cat?

Cat at a veterinary clinic

In this article “neutering” means sterilising either a male or female cat. I don’t know about you but after researching whether early neutering is safe and preferable I have come away slightly confused. I’m trying to find out the optimal age for neutering domestic cats and whether there are potential problems with early neutering. …

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Do spayed cats go into heat and have the urge to mate?

Cat in heat

No, properly spayed cats do not go into heat and do not have the urge to mate. The surgery is called ovariohysterectomy. The surgery removes the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries. The spaying operation prevents the queen from coming into oestrous (estrus). Because it prevents the queen coming into oestrous it prevents the oestrous …

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Do private practice veterinarians desex cats later than shelters and if so why?

Feral or Stray Cat Being Spayed

I have just been informed by the authors of a study on the impacts of pet cats on Australian wildlife that animal shelters desex cats when they are younger than four months of age because the focus is on preventing cats breeding and creating more cats, whereas in private practice, where the making a …

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Discussion: Responsible TNR program or animal cruelty after kittens dumped in unfamiliar territory

Kitten TNR

There’s a situation taking place in Greenville, South Carolina that is turning the stomachs of cat lovers throughout the internet community. A TNR program designed to reduce the number of feral cats using the Community Cat Diversion Program offered through Greenville County Animal Care Services (GCACS) apparently isn’t what it seems. Young kittens are …

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Paediatric spay/neuter does no long-term harm. True or False?

It was World Spay Day on the 23rd of this month: an opportune moment to discuss this topic. This is partly a critique of the Catster.com article by Jane Kelley. She implies that there are myths about early cat spaying and neutering that need to be put to bed. The operations are perfectly okay …

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Should a female cat experience parturition before being spayed?

Parturition is the act of giving birth. According to research conducted in 1996 by a scientist, Luke, about 20% or one fifth of the American public believe that a female cat should be allowed to give birth to kittens before being spayed (ovariohysterectomy). Are they correct? The surgery includes the removal of the uterus, …

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