Wily toxoplasma parasite hijacks immune cells to travel around the host

Toxoplasma parasite engages in 'identity theft' of immune cell to travel around the host's body

I have had to interpret a very complicated study on the Toxoplasma gondii protozoan parasite published on the Cell Host & Microbe website. But it is an interesting study if you take the time to try and interpreted as a lay person i.e., non-scientific person because this parasitic disease is very important in the …

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Domestic cats overly criticised for their role as hosts of Toxoplasma gondii

Toxoplasma gondii

The life-cycle of Toxoplasma gondii is complicated. People tend to oversimplify it. They see the domestic cat infecting humans with this protozoan parasite which is about the extent of general knowledge. It isn’t that simple; far from it. This article sets out to redress the balance and to mention an interesting study on a …

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Hookworm life cycle – 2 charts and background information


The hookworm life cycle is set out below in a chart. I also have a page on deworming cat treatments and a page on cat parasites. Several species of hookworm can infect domestic cats. They are blood sucking endoparasites and one species, the most common in the USA can cause serious blood loss in …

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