Are cats girly? Infographic.

Are cats girly Yes and no.

Simple question and a direct answer in an infographic. I have a really nice (I think 😉😎) essay on the relationship between the domestic cat and women which may interest you in which I extend the discussion started in the infographic. See and read it by clicking on the link below if you wish. …

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What have you learnt over the years from your cat and about cat caretaking?

Above: Gabriel moving warily in the garden. It’s true, the older you get the wiser you get and the more you don’t get wound up or bothered about things. You learn to live in the present and you learn to maximise your short life. I agree with Jeremy Clarkson on this when he says …

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Short Essay on Cat Ownership for Students

This is a short essay on cat ownership for students and kids. Anyone can use it as they wish. Just cut and paste it from the computer screen. If you want some modifications or something else in addition, please contact me. There are many ways to care for a domestic cat. If all of …

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