Do cats understand the concept of beauty, do they find some other cats more attractive over others?

Bengal cat

This is an interesting question which made me think and I will answer it at least initially from the viewpoint of the female cat. I will also answer it from the viewpoint of cats who have not been spayed or neutered so they are sexually active. While male cats want to maximise the number …

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Cat rape: What REALLY happens when you refuse to spay your cat

This article isn’t aimed toward those who rescue a pregnant cat. It’s for those who refuse to have their cats spayed or neutered, especially those who want their female cat to experience the miracle of kittens being born. Many cat owners think it necessary to allow their cat to have one litter before being spayed …

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Do cats have periods?

Do cats have periods?

In a strict sense, cats do not have periods primarily because they do not menstruate. A period is part of the menstrual cycle for female humans. This happens normally every 28 days or so. It can last between three and eight days. During this time, in response to reproductive hormones a woman’s womb gets …

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Bobcat Kittens Growing Up Timescale and Details

In North America some people search for bobcat kittens to adopt and treat as domestic cat companions. This page is about bobcat kittens in the wild, from conception to independence. Sadly, a lot of the studies about bobcat reproduction comes from the study of dead bobcats! Yes, sounds horrible but true. These are females …

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Two Major Differences Between Domestic and Wild Cat Ancestor

The domestic cat is the same as the North African wildcat in terms of genetics; they both have 19 pairs of chromosomes (38 total). Therefore the domestic and wildcat can mate and produce fertile hybrids. But there are major fertility differences between these cats. Both are seasonal breeders but whereas the female wildcat has …

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