Choose a veterinarian sensibly (infographic)

Choose your vet sensibly

The infographic says almost all I want to say on the topic but I’ll add a few afterthoughts. If I was living in the United States, the number one criteria would be the head vet’s response to the question: “Do you declaw cats for non-therapeutic reasons?” A yes answer would mean instant rejection. A …

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Should veterinarians be advocating the killing of feral cats?

Smile on face of feral cat trapper before killing the cat

There is a headline from an Australian news media website which tells us that veterinarians support a program of killing feral cats in the Northern Territory, Australia. Yes, they support the idea of deliberately targeting feral cats to trap and then “euthanise” them. It is uncomfortable to hear of vets supporting the deliberate killing …

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Animal Health Clinic, Fargo, proudly declares they’ve stopped declawing cats. Don’t be proud, be ashamed.

This is what declawing is

COMMENT ON NEWS: This is obviously great news. Even if it is a single veterinary clinic in Fargo, USA which has decided to stop declawing cats, it is progress towards the eventual cessation of this discredited operation in North America. One day no veterinary clinics will perform the operation. The sooner that day arrives …

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Do private practice veterinarians desex cats later than shelters and if so why?

Feral or Stray Cat Being Spayed

I have just been informed by the authors of a study on the impacts of pet cats on Australian wildlife that animal shelters desex cats when they are younger than four months of age because the focus is on preventing cats breeding and creating more cats, whereas in private practice, where the making a …

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Veterinarians face two opposing viewpoints from their clients both of which causes them stress

Female veterinarians are more likely to feel stress than men under certain situations

A study concerning three aspects of the provision of veterinary care which causes stress in veterinarians has produced some interesting insights. The first insight comes from me rather than from the document itself. Fifty-seven percent of veterinarians reported that they faced 1 to 2 ethical and stressful dilemmas weekly. Thirty-four percent said they faced …

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Study shows that stress placed on veterinarians can cause ethical conflict and other problems

Veterinarians don't know how much pain cats are experiencing or if the drug is effective

According to a new study co-authored by a Cambridge Health Alliance psychiatrist and Harvard Medical School researcher, veterinarians often suffer from moral stress issues in the veterinary field. The research was done by Lisa Moses and J. Wesley Boyd and will be published this month by the Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine showing the …

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