US animal shelter euthanasia rates past 50 years. Infographic.

The drop in US animal shelter euthanasia rates is one of the great success stories of animal rescue in the US and we have a debt of gratitude to pay to Nathan Winograd, the founder of the No Kill movement (see more below). The infographic summarises the story. Below the infographic there are more …

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Assisted dying of people and pets (slippery slope)

Tom Rhind-Tutt

This is about the euthanasia of companion animals versus assisted dying of people and that all important slippery slope. There’s an interesting article online today (The Telegraph) about an excellent veterinarian who loved his work (and still does to a certain extent) who it appears to me became somewhat disillusioned because he was asked …

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USA shelter cat euthanasia dramatically down in 2023 but why (infographic)?

USA shelter cat euthanasia dramatically down in 2023 but the reason has not been given!?

The infographic spells out the numbers and they come from reliable sources but I am almost compelled to conclude that they are misleading. If not something dramatically good has happened for shelter cats in the USA. Perhaps shelter management are taking up Nathan Winograd’s advice in greater numbers. He has been pressing the shelters …

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Animal advocate says that PETA is urging public officials to kill more animals

Boe was an emaciated dog tethered all his life and who suffered from cancer. He was euthanised by PETA.

Nathan Winograd, a man who I admire and who describes himself as “The voice of America’s displaced pets and the conscience of the animal sheltering industry” literally hates PETA for the fact that they euthanize too many companion animals. Winograd and PETA have entirely different attitudes towards euthanasia. Winograd hammers PETA In a recent …

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Utah bans the use of gas chambers to kill shelter dogs and cats leaving 2 states where it is legal

Gas chamber being smashed joyously

Utah bans the use of gas chambers to kill shelter dogs and cats but I’m told by Nathan Winograd that in the USA there are two states were gassing unwanted rescue cats and dogs at shelters remains legal. They are Wyoming and Missouri. Just two more states to go before gassing shelter cats and …

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Bowie’s law AB 595 California is an animal life saver

Bowie's law - this is Bowie who was unnecessarily killed at a pound

Bowie’s law is a significant advance in the humane treatment of animals in California according to Nathan Winograd. And it is a model for the rest of America. What is it? According to the instigator and promoter of this new California law, assemblyman Bill Essayli, it requires animal shelters to post on their website …

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Volunteer ‘steals’ well-behaved shelter animal to save his life as he was listed to be ‘euthanized’

Goofy 'Pursuit' with one of his toys

NEWS AND OPINION. This is an opinion piece based upon a good news story from the viewpoint of an animal advocate. In fact, perhaps from the viewpoint of anybody who likes to see fair play, justice and the humane treatment of animals and particularly shelter animals. I have to say, that this story is …

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Stress should not be a death sentence for shelter animals. Discuss.

Dog in pound in the US

The words of the title come from Nathan Winograd, America’s leading expert on animal shelters and one of the country’s leading animal advocates. He is referring to new legislation for New York State that came into force recently having been signed off by New York Gov Kathy Hotchul. Nathan Winograd argued very cogently against …

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