Can I let my Bengal cat go outside?

Bengal cat outdoors

The decision as to whether you should let your cat go outside is entirely based in practicalities and the answer is NO unless they are leash trained and on a lead or inside a custom built enclosure or catio. The reason is pretty obvious and simple: the well-bred Bengal cat is a stunning looking …

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Insatiable appetite for cheetah pets in Middle East threatens their existence in the wild

The glorious, exotic cheetah, the formula one car of the animal kingdom is being pushed to the brink of extinction in the wild because of an insatiable desire for cheetah selfies and the desire of the rich citizens of the Gulf states to possess them as pets. The cheetah is particularly fashionable as an …

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Migrant youths in France are posing with lion or tiger cubs for their Instagram accounts

Lion cub used in France for selfie Instagram picture

You may already know that some wealthy people in the Middle East like to pose in their flashy cars with exotic cats in the passenger seat. They often pose with tiger cubs or sometimes cheetahs. This unfortunate craze promotes a flourishing but illegal trade in wild cats. Young wild cats are taken from their …

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Private ownership of exotic cats banned in United Arab Emirates

This change in the law is very welcome and necessary. The ban covers the private ownership of exotic animals and potentially dangerous animals. Quite frankly it is about time. I am tired of seeing wealthy Arabs in expensive cars cruising down the high street with a cheetah or other large but ‘tamed’ wild cat …

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