How much do white tigers cost (and more)?

How much do white tigers cost?

They used to cost around $50,000 each in the USA (1992). I have seen various prices from $40,000 to $65,000. However, things have changed dramatically in the USA, the home of the captive white tiger. The Big Cat Public Safety Act, promoted by Carole Baskin (BCR), has banned the private ownership of wild cats …

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Man makes his cat obese and then makes fun of him in highly successful TikTok videos

Obese cat is disrespected, abused and exploited

This man (Ryan?) is immoral. I know that I am being outspoken but it is transparently obvious that I’m correct. He has overfed his black-and-white cat consistently for a long time or adopted an obese cat and failed to put his cat on a diet. It is almost certainly the former. He then describes …

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‘Exotic big cats for sale’ – an enforced worldwide ban is needed

Lion cubs for sale

People shouldn’t be searching for ‘exotic big cats for sale’ because it encourages and keeps in business exotic big cat breeders and these breeders should not exist in my considered view. It also devalues and demeans the big cats, iconic species and animal totems, which have been worshipped in some cultures for eons. They …

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Stryker the Cat is a serval not an F1 Savannah cat

Stryker the Cat is a serval not an F1 Savannah cat

There is a celebrity cat on the Internet called Stryker the Cat. We don’t even know the gender of this cat but I will presume that she is female for the time being because she is on the small side, let’s say, for a serval. And she is a serval not a Savannah cat …

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Exploitation of hairless cats for self-aggrandizement

Dressed-up Sphynx cat

For me, and I suspect many others, this is an example of the exploitation of hairless cats for self-aggrandizement. A lot of people will disagree with me and enjoy the videos on TikTok, one of which is published below. I’ll explain what I mean. This woman, in Russia, realises that Sphynx cats have an …

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Joe Exotic is a likeable man who bred tigers to create money-spinning cubs for photoshoots

Joe Exotic and Theroux

On the first day of their lives, Joe Exotic took cubs from their mothers that he had deliberately bred to exploit them. When the cubs grew up they were surplus to requirements and parked at the back of his wildlife park. Joe Exotic is pleased that he has become famous (infamous actually) because of …

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