Cub Petting Operators Do Nasty Things to Tiger Cubs

“Cub Petting” is about making a lot of money from customers who want to pay for the pleasure of cuddling and petting a lion or tiger cub. The operators of these businesses are inherently unethical in their behavior. It is worse than that. I explain what I mean below. The operators are inherently unethical …

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Florida Restaurant and Wildlife Conservation Foundation Join Together to Exploit Exotic Wild Kittens

Geoffroy's kittens

Carson Springs Wildlife Conservation Foundation have some Geoffroy’s cats at their sanctuary. They’re based in Florida. They are a not-for-profit organisation. They are dependent upon donations. They are described by Big Cat Rescue as a “pseudo-sanctuary” which in their view exploits exotic cats by taking them off site to be handled by the public. …

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Lion cub fed a mixture of yogurt and bread to keep him small

This is the story of Magnus, a lion cub. He was an abused lion cub. There are many. Lions are bred for commercial purposes such a photo-shoots and canned hunting. Magnus was born in captivity. Soon after he was born he was separated from his mother. He was abused as a tourist attraction at …

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Jackie Kennedy’s Role in Leopard Fur Craze

The leopard fur craze took off in the 1960s. This was a time of confidence when a person could display their wealth and it was also a time when there was far less sensitivity towards conservation particularly with respect to fur coats. It has been said by Dr Morris that Mrs Jacqueline Kennedy, supported …

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