Peke-face Persian corneal ulcers. Infographic.

Bulging eye of the Peke-face Persian which can exacerbate the development of corneal ulcers

Peke-face Persians are particularly susceptible to developing corneal ulcers due to their prominent eyes, facial conformation, and associated tear production or drainage issues. Regular eye care and early intervention when symptoms appear are essential in managing and preventing corneal ulcers in these cats. If untreated, corneal ulcers can lead to more severe complications, including …

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Infographic summarises some Persian cat coat, eye and oral health problems

Flat-faced Persian cat coat, eye and mouth problems. INFOGRAPHIC.

What one takes away from this 2019 study is that the modern (contemporary flat-faced) Persian cat’s health could and should be improved with a change to the breed standard to neutralise the extreme facial anatomy and normalise a skull and facial features which are nearer to what we expect of the domestic cat. This …

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How do I know if my cat has cataracts?

Lion with cataract in his right eye

Cataracts are cloudy patches in the lens of the eye. They develop for various reasons such as ageing or injury and can sometimes be the result of an inherited genetic disorder which can cause a health problem which increases the risk of cataracts. Medical conditions such as diabetes can cause cataracts. Eye infections, conjunctivitis …

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Surgery to correct feline entropion makes cat internet celebrity

By Alex Cooke We are in Chengdu, China for this interesting route to feline internet celebrity. And the cat was a stray. An unlikely combination. A street cat named Feifei suffered from feline entropion. This is when the eyelid turns inwards causing hairs to brush against the cornea resulting in irritation and squinting. The …

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Natural Remedies for Cat Eye Discharge

Is there a natural remedy for cat eye discharge? People want to know as they search for answers using Google. I think that you’ll find that any applicable natural remedy is concerned with ameliorating the condition but not remedying it wholly. What causes eye discharge? A clear discharge without pain or redness may be …

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